
Data Processing

The dataset can be found in the data folder, called signal_20_obligatory1_train.tsv.gz.

The dataset is made of Part of Speech (POS) tags for every words, meaning that the type (“NOUN”, “VERB”, “ADJ” etc.) are stacked on each words with an underscore. A first step was then to split the words in half, to keep only the word and not its type. Then, the BoW and the vocabulary can be created.

These functionalities are coded in the module.

Feature Tuning

Before changing the structure of the model, we explored differents Bag of Words features implementation by varying the vocabulary size, the preprocessing and building the vocabulary before and after the split. For example, with a vocabulary size of 4000 we did not see improvement in the performance. In addition, using the Part of Speech (POS) tags did not help to optimize the results. Because of difficulties and time restriction we did not create the vocabulary after splitting into training and development parts.


A brief training session to evaluate the performance with different hyper parameters was firstly performed. The hyper parameters used are described on the table below.

Parameter Value
Split Train/Dev .9
Vocabulary 3000
Batch size 32
Learning Rate .09
Epochs 250


Then, five different models were trained on Saga’s server with different layout. These models differ in their number of hidden layers, and their architectures are presented in the tables below.

First Model
Layers Neurons Activation
Input 3000 ReLU
Hidden 150 Linear
Output 20 Softmax
Second Model
Layers Neurons Activation
Input 3000 ReLU
Hidden 1 150 ReLU
Hidden 2 150 Linear
Output 20 Softmax
Third Model
Layers Neurons Activation
Input 3000 ReLU
Hidden 1 150 ReLU
Hidden 2 150 ReLU
Hidden 3 150 Linear
Output 20 Softmax
Fourth Model
Layers Neurons Activation
Input 3000 ReLU
Hidden 1 150 ReLU
Hidden 2 150 ReLU
Hidden 3 150 ReLU
Hidden 4 150 Linear
Output 20 Softmax
Fifth Model
Layers Neurons Activation
Input 3000 ReLU
Hidden 1 150 ReLU
Hidden 2 150 ReLU
Hidden 3 150 ReLU
Hidden 4 150 ReLU
Hidden 5 150 Linear
Output 20 Softmax


After we trained all models, there was no specific model that stood out. However, we tried to differenciate them regarding four indicators : the accuracy, macro-F1, precision and recall.


As shown in the table below, the model 4 presents the best accuracy. Nevertheless, this might not be the only criterion to consider, especially because of the different sources frequency. The Macro-F1 score might be less sensitive to imbalanced class frequencies. In that case, the model 3 performs better even if its precision is not optimal. Due to these performance, we choose the model 3 to push further the training.

Models performance
Model Accuracy Macro-F1 Precision Recall Run Time
Model 1 53.33 38.32 39.04 42.11 00:22:27
Model 2 52.35 32.93 36.84 31.58 00:25:43
Model 3 52.81 43.59 41.27 49.44 00:27:04
Model 4 53.55 42.22 44.11 31.58 00:28:40
Model 5 53.52 42.00 46.80 43.27 00:25:41

The mean and standard deviations of the metrics when running the chosen model three times is displayed in the table below.

Model 3 performance
Metric Average STD
Accuracy 53.31 0.29
Macro-F1 34.07 4.07
Precision 33.85 4.13
Recal 37.27 5.47
Run Time 42.73 10.28


As shown in the results, the performance are really different from one training to the other. Most likely this is due to us no setting a random seed, leading to different weights, bias and also affecting the optimizer.